Monday, August 1, 2011

Singkatan2 Chat/Forum

IDK: i don't know
IMO:in my opinion
IMHO: in my humble/honest opinion
FYI: for your information
CMIIW: correct me if i'am wrong
FYEO : for your eyes only
BRB: Be Right Back
OOT: Out Of Topic
Japri: Jalur Pribadi
Milis: Mailing List
Fwd: Forward
ASAP: As Soon As Possible
AFAIK: as far as i know
CMI : Count Me In
CMO : Count Me Out
THX: thanks
FWIW: for what it's worth
TIA: thanks in advance
BTW: by the way
GTG: Got to Go
WB: Welcome Back
LoL: Laughing Out Loud
ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing
ASL: Age, Sex, Location
OIC: Oh I See
HTH: Hope This Help
OOP: Out Of Print
2: to
b: be
AKA: as known as
ATM: at the moment
B4: before
CFV: call for votes
FYA=For Your Attention
GA: go ahead
HHOJ: ha ha only joking
HHOK: ha ha only kidding
HHOS: ha ha only serious
IAE: in any event
IYKWIM: if you know what i mean
JK: just kidding
L8R: later
OTOH: on the other hand
OTTH: on the third hand
RFC: request for comment
RFD: request for discussion
RSN: real soon now
WRT: With regard/respect to
WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get
YMMV: your mileage may vary
YMMVG: your mileage may vary greatly

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