Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to Add New Subtitles to an Existing DVD 1

1. Convert file film ke bentuk DVD files(ada Video_TS, Audio_TSnya).. convert dlm format 16:9 widescreen
2. Convert Subtitle SRT ke SUP.. Gunakan Subtitle Creator, open SRT dan save menjadi SUP
3. Di menu SubtitleCreator: Tools, DVD Authoring Wizard(CTRL+W)
4. Locate PGCDemux, Muxman, dan VOBBlanker dgn browse ke file tsb
5. Locate DVD(Video_TS.VOB dlm folder Video_TS)
6. Tentukan Output Folder, klik Next
7. Tentukan Language Subtitle, dan browse .SUP nya
8. Start
9. Setelah proses selesai browse ke output folder, coba play video_ts.vob dgn player yg ada, kalo playernya MPC play file video_ts.ifo.. perhatikan subtitle yg apakah sdh benar apa blm jk ada yg kurang buka DVD SUb Edit
10. di DVD Sub Edit, Open VOB files (misal: vts_01_0/1/2/3/dst) open dan edit satu demi satu
11. tentukan subpic selection(language subtitle yg mau diedit)
12. b= background, p=pixel(warna huruf), e1=outline(tebal grs huruf), e2=bayangan
13. pertama di all pixel b=p=white, e1=e2=black
14. lalu setting b,p,e1 dan e2 secara terpisah
15. b-> transparan 0
16. p-> transparan 15
17. e1->transparan 11
18. e2->transparan 0
19. di menu edit: apply last modification to all
20. save all modifications
21. ulangi langkah di atas(No:10-20) utk file kedua dst
22. no vertical border.. slide ke adegan yg subtitlenya 2 baris, lalu geser vertical position hingga baris 2 subtitle berada di atas batas bawah film dan geser sedikit ke atas lagi supaya mata lbh nyaman wkt menonton dan membaca subtitlenya

Jika dgn subtitle creator Background 3-0, Text 3-15, Outline 2-11, Anti-alias 2-0

23. burn ke DVDblank.. di Nero pilih Video Picture, DVD video files, lalu add 2 folder yg telah tersedia yaitu folder Audio_TS dan Video_TS

This is a step by step guide that walks you through two different ways of adding new subtitles to an existing DVD. This can be accomplished without converting the video or audio and without changing the menus.

Step 1: Getting Ready

First, you will want to make sure you have downloaded and installed the following software:

DVDFab Decrypter

Step 2: Rip the DVD
If you already have an image of the DVD on your hard drive, you can skip this step.
Use DVDFab Decrypter to rip the DVD.

Step 3: Create the New Subtitle File
SubtitleCreator is a tool that creates, modifies, and converts ASCII-based text files in SRT or SUB format to the binary SUP format expected by many DVD authoring tools. Launch SubtitleCreator. If you have an SRT file with subtitles already (in case you may have downloaded it from a subtitle site), then open that file. If you want to use subtitles from the DVD you have ripped, then open the "VTS_01_0.IFO" file which you should find in the "VIDEO_TS" directory of your ripped DVD. You can also use SubtitleCreator to make a completely new set of subtitles.

Once you have finished creating/editing the subtitles, save them in SUP format (look under the Files menu).

Step 4: Generate the new DVD Files with SubtitleCreator
Start the DVD Authoring Wizard in SubtitleCreator by selecting DVD Authoring under the Tools menu. You will need to provide the location of pgcdemux.exe, muxman.exe and vobblanker.exe files (you should have downloaded and installed these in Step 1 above). Then select the "VIDEO_TS" directory from your ripped DVD, choose an output folder which will hold the new DVD files, and load the SUP file that you created in step 2 above. Then you can click the Start button on the DVD Authoring window.

After processing finishes, you should have a new "VIDEO_TS" folder in the output directory you chose with VOB, IFO and BUP files. Try to play the "VIDEO_TS" folder with a software player like PowerDVD, WinDVD, Media Player Classic (you must open the VIDEO_TS.IFO file with MPC) and try to select the subtitle track. You may need to select the subtitles in the software player menu or on your remote control subtitle button because the DVD menu might not work as expected.

If you you are adding subtitles to a DVD for the first time (the DVD did not already have subtitles), or if you are changing the number of subtitle tracks, then you have to enable the new subtitles. Skip to step 9 to do that. If you only edited the subtitles without actually changing the number of subtitles tracks, and if your resulting DVD files play with subtitles, then you are finished and you can skip to Step 9.

Step 5: Demultiplex the Audio/Video from the Ripped DVD
If the DVD files from step 4 do not seem to play with subtitles correctly, then you can try to accomplish the same thing that SubtitleCreator does but using the tools yourself. First, launch PgcDemux (you should have downloaded and installed this in step 1). For Input IFO, select the "VTS_01_0.IFO" file which you should find in the "VIDEO_TS" directory of your ripped DVD. Pick an output folder. Make sure that "by VOB id" is selected under Mode and that "Titles" is selected under Domain. Check the options "Demux video stream", "Demux all audio streams", "Demux all subpic streams, and "Create CellTimes.txt". Then you can click Process.

Step 6: Generate the new DVD Files with Muxman
Launch Muxman (you should have downloaded and installed this in step 1). For the video input, select the .M2C file that should be in the output folder you chose in step 5. For the video input, select the .AC3 file from that same location. Then, under SubPictures, select the SUP file that you created in step 3. You will need to select a language. Finally, under the File menu, click Import and open the "CellTimes.txt" file which should also be in the output folder from step 5. Once you've set these options, then you can click Start.

Step 7: Restore the Original Menus to the New DVD [OPTIONAL]
Launch VobBlanker. For input, open the "VIDEO_TS.IFO" from the original, ripped DVD. Pick an output folder. In the TitleSet section, select the main movie VOB file - this will usually be the largest file showing up something like "VTS_01_*.VOB". In the section labelled PGCs in Selected TitleSet, click the Replace button, and open the VTS_01_0.IFO file that was created in step 6. Once you've set these options, you can click the Process button.

After processing finishes, you should have a new "VIDEO_TS" folder in the output directory you chose with VOB, IFO and BUP files. Try to play the "VIDEO_TS" folder with a software player like PowerDVD, WinDVD, Media Player Classic (you must open the VIDEO_TS.IFO file with MPC) and try to select the subtitle track. You may need to select the subtitles in the software player menu or on your remote control subtitle button because the DVD menu might not work as expected.

If you you are adding subtitles to a DVD for the first time (the DVD did not already have subtitles), or if you are changing the number of subtitle tracks, then you have to enable the new subtitles. Skip to step 9 to do that.

If you only edited the subtitles without actually changing the number of subtitles tracks, and if your resulting DVD files play with subtitles, then you are finished and you can skip to Step 9.

Step 8: Enable New Subtitles [OPTIONAL]
Launch PGCEdit (you should have downloaded and installed this in step 1). Open the new DVD. Find the video segment with the new subtitles and double click it. Look in the section labelled ""Sub-picture VOB's Decoding Streams" - you should see that either there are no subtitles listed (because you added new subtitles to a DVD without any to begin with) or you may see only the subtitle tracks that were already on the DVD, and none of the new subtitles you added.

Click the first empty stream (the empty streams are labelled 'none'). A new window (Subpic streams setup) will open. In that window, click the Set button. These settings assume you have a 4:3 aspect ratio DVD. If your DVD is 16:9, you may need to examine how any other subtitle tracks are setup and configure the new subtitles accordingly.

If you are adding subtitles to a DVD that had none to begin with, and if you made only one subtitle track in Muxman (Track 1: W20 LB20) then both wide and letterbox stay at zero.

If you are adding subtitles to a DVD that had none to begin with, and if you made 2 separate subtitle tracks, perhaps one track for wide screen and another for letterbox (Track 1: W20 LB21), then leave wide set to zero and set letterbox to one.

If you are adding subtitles to a DVD that already has subtitles, then use the next available numbers for wide screen and letterbox. Note: a 4:3 DVD has one subtitle track but a 16:9 DVD must have two subtitle tracks, even if they are both the same.

Once you've made those settings, click the OK button. On the main screen, find and click the Stream attributes button (looks like a green film reel icon). You will get a pop up with a message about fixing the number of subtitle streams. Click Yes. You can set the language and type of subtitle on the next screen, and then exit back to the main screen again.

Find the video segment with the new subtitles and double click it. This time you should see the new subtitle track you added. Save the DVD using the Save item under the File menu. Try to play the DVD and verify that the new subtitles are working.

Step 9: Burn the DVD
Use your favorite DVD burning software, like Nero Burning Rom or ImgBurn, and burn the new VIDEO_TS with .

FAQ / Troubleshooting

General troubleshooting steps you can try if things aren't working right:
(1) Make sure the SUP file you made in step 3 is good. Open it in SubtitleCreator using the Manipulate SUP menu item under the Toole menu, and check if you can see the dialog, and whether the timings look correct. You can use SubtitleWorkshop which may be able to fix any errors. Open the SRT file with SubtitleWorkshop and type CTRL+I. Then click Fix Errors, and then save the file again.

(2) Check the muxman.log after step 4 or step 6 to make sure subtitles were muxed in. You can find the log file in the root of the C drive. It may contain error messages or other information to help you figure out what isn't working.

(3) When using Muxman in step 6 for a 16:9 DVD, be sure to load each SUP file twice. Open the first SUP file and click on Wide followed by LB. Then open the 2nd SUP file and click on Wide followed by LB.

(3) Using VobBlanker, compare your ripped DVD in VobBlanker with the new DVD. Check to see where any cells are different.

(4) Using PGCEdit, run a trace on the ripped DVD and the new DVD. If you see that the last cell is being played first, you can edit the commands to make it play where it's supposed to.

(5) Using PGCEdit, open the new DVD that was produced with VobBlanker. Highlight the movie. Use the "Replace VTST Titles" menu item under the Files menu, and follow the instructions. You will need to select the Muxman muxed movie. You should click Yes for the first question. It is a good idea to let PGCEdit make a backup of the current VOBs as well. When PGCEdit finished, the DVD should play correctly.

Q: If I skip the optional Step 7 (using VobBlanker to retain menus), can I skip step 8?
A: Yes. Step 8 is only necessary if you do step 7.

Q: I ran PgcEdit on the output folder from Muxman. It shows that it has a Sub-picture stream 0 with Wide(1) and Letterbox(0). When I play that DVD, I still see no subtitles, my player's Subtitle menu option is disabled.
A: Open all of the DVD VOB files in DVDSubEdit. The SubPic/Transparency slider should be all the way to the left, to "Clear". If you still can't see the sibtitles, try moving the SubPic Vertical Position slider to try and bring them into view.

Q: My subtitles are all black. If I click the "Use prefered subtitles" my subtitles turn pink, yellow and black.
A: Use DVDSubEdit to open all the VOBs from the new DVD and change the colors.

Q: My subtitles are fine when I test the DVD using my software player. But after I burn the DVD, the subtitles turn green.
A: Either use DVDSubEdit to open the VOBs, or use PGCEdit to open the new DVD. Check the Color Look Up Table (CLUT) which will probably be set to the color you are seeing. You can edit the CLUT in either program.

Q: How can I remove the FBI Anti-Piracy screen from the DVD?
A: You can force the screen to be skipped by using PGCEdit to open the DVD, find the FBI screen, and then using the "Kill PGC Playback" menu item.

Q: How can I synchronize DVD subtitles with a SUP file before adding it to the DVD?
A: Use SubtitleCreator to apply a delay to the SUP file. Open the SUP file, find the Delay menu item, set the delay you need, then save the SUP file. DVDSubEdit will let you do a similar delay to the VOBs themselves.

Q: What is the best way to check subtitles on a ripped DVD?
A: Play the DVD and checking the subtitle languages in PowerDVD another software player. Or use PGCEdit follow along step 8 above to view the subtitle tracks.

Q: How can I check the region of the DVD?
A: Use PGCEdit to openthe DVD, then click the Globe button in the top menu to list the region coding of the DVD.

Q: How can I add a sutitle button to the menu page?
A: This is not easy and requires editing more than just subtitles, but the general approach is: edit the menu to add in the new sub text; edit the underlying subpic to add the new sub text; add a new button;add a new menu command that defines what happens when the new menu button is clicked.

Q: How can I strip subtitles from an AVI and replace those with subtitles in a different language?
A: You cannot strip subtitles if they have been encoded onto the video itself. You can check your AVI with a tool like VirtualDub. When you open the AVI in such a tool, if you see subtitles, then they are part of the video itself and cannot be (easily) removed.

Q: I still can't see any subtitles.
A: Subtitles may not appear by default when playing the DVD - you may have to turn them on in your software player's setup menu or options. If all else fails, try burning the DVD and testing it in a real stand alone player.

Q: How can I change the button of a menu?
A: You must edit the underlying subpic. Use DVDSubEdit. PGCEdit will also allow you to adjust the button outlines.


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